Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year!

Hello Leaders,

I hope you are all having a wonderful New Year. One thing that I do every year is make a list of things that I would like to happen that way I have a clear direction of where I want the year to go. If the things on the list don't get accomplished don't be upset because you can carry it onto the next year. The point of this list is not to accomplish everything on that list but to keep your goals in sight and take the right steps as you count off the months in the year.

As you start off this year keep in mind that you hold the keys to your future so do your best to unlock those doors that are shut. Whatever you do, do it with confidence, love what you do, care for the people around you and remember to extend your hands to help those who need your help in anyway you can.

Miss Liberia USA

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hey guys this year my goal is to get 800 books to be donated to Library for Liberia and School supplies to give to the students of Liberia Mission Inc. ( St. Anthony of Padua school) in Liberia so if you have any books would like to donate or school supplies please feel free to contact me. I appreciate your help!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rwanda Flag Raising Ceremony




            In Honor of the United Nation’s International Day for Peace and supporting Rwandan Orphans

  DATE   :   October 25th , 2012       TIME :  4:30  PM   

 Location: Newark City Hall Rotunda  ( 920 Broad Street . Newark , NJ 07102)


  Please Join

The  2010 Ambassador for Peace Award Winner  &  2012 Humanitarian Award Winner   Ms. Marie Claudine MUKAMABANO,A Rwandan genocide orphan survivor ‘s Initiative of Raising the Flag of Rwanda as a Symbole of:

     Healing, Peace, Resilience, Hope & Forgiveness 


GUEST OF HONOR &  SPEAKERS INCLUDE:                      

Honorable Mayor Cory Booker

Honorable Mayor Joseph Champagne, Jr.

Ms. Michelle Bachelet,CEO of UN Women Under United Nation’s Secretary- General

H.E.   Tete  Antonio  , Ambassador, Permanent Observer of African Union to the UN

 H.E. Dr. Josephine Ojiambo,UN Deputy Ambassador of Kenya 

Mr. Robert F. Van Lierop, Attorney at Law, McLaughlin& Stern,LLP



Oumou Cherif -  Miss Guinea, Massachusetts ( 2011- 2012 )

Patience Noah  -  Miss Liberia, USA  ( 2012- 2013)

      M.C :  Wale Idris Ajibad – CEO of  African Views

Honorable Chair  Dosso Kassimu and Staff of The African Commission of Newark    in conjunction with  Marie  Claudine’s Charity – Why do I exist              

Special  event include:   Food & Drinks, music, African performing artist & Peace Poem BY Marie Claudine

Please contribute to our Peace, Sustainability, & Empowerment Initiatives for Rwandan orphans www.whydoiexist.org

TEL: 347 465 4045      E-MAIL: claudinepeace@gmail.com  talk to Marie Claudine

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Looking Back

  This week I've spent a lot of time reflecting on my life. As I work towards graduation I am realizing how much I've grown over the years and how I have progress as a leader. Today one of my friends asked me to speak with his younger brother who is a freshman college and all I kept thinking was, how to you advice a college freshman. On my way to meet up with him all I kept envisioning was me as a freshman. See, when I started talking to him it was amazing how much he reminds me of myself as a freshman.
Right now he's 18 and on his own for the first time and coming from a strong family with two older brothers and an overly protective cousin all he wanted to do was get out of the house. I'm sure most of you reading this know what you were like as an 18 year old freshman in college surrounded by tons of girls, drugs and alcohol. Here is where things gets tough. As I sat there talking to him, he did have that blank stare like who is this girl. In my head I thought to myself, do I present myself as a senior who got to where she is by chance or do I present myself as someone who was once 18, who was once a freshman, who has once made mistakes and now understands that these are all part of human growth. Over the years I've attended many many leadership seminars and conferences that have prepared me for moments like this but I still wasn't sure what to say or how to start so I took the personal approach with him.
A long time ago I was told that the difference between a great leader and someone who is just a leader is personal experience. Now, am I saying I'm a great leader? no not yet,  but I am working on it! After laying the foundation I asked him how he feels about being in college and yes he is lost, and like any 18 year male he is trying to find himself. I asked him about the type of friends he has and all of them are of the same background as him. Bam! there it was. What my mentor tells me all the time. I can actually heart his voice ringing in my ears right now. ( Haitian accent) Patience if you want to be a great leader you have got to have a diverse and dynamic group of friends. Find people that are smarter than you because they will push you to challenge yourself. At the time which was 3yrs ago did I understand it, no not until a year ago it really started to sink in because I had to hear it over and over. Of course I told him the same thing. Now the question is will it be enforce? probably not till he's older because we humans do not like to step out of our comfort zone.

Like Dr. Steve White would say, did I make a difference not until you all have graduated and 10yrs from now you are CEOs and Executives. Now with this kid, did I make a difference? How do you measure success through advice? All you can do it hope that he will make the right decisions and even if he makes the wrongs it will lead him down the right path. To all of you College freshmen out there enjoy your freshman year and have fun but make sure you set your priority straight if you want to go to a party make sure your home work is done first. Surround yourself with the right people and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Be young but don't be a stupid young person. Once again enjoy college! your life has just begun and yes it will go by fast. But always know that whatever decisions you make now will affect the rest of your life.

In the words of Eleen Maxwell- My will shall shape the future, win or loose, only I hold the key to my destiny.