Monday, August 20, 2012

Passion for What you do!

A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.”
– John Maxwell,

Today I had a conversation with my mentor and one thing that he made me realize was how little of  passion I have for what I do. See the thing about passion is that it can take you as far as you want it to take you. We as human are so afraid of being different that we rather hide behind other and do bare minimal to get by. See for years I have achieved and accomplished to many things but never really open door for that fire inside me to burn because like everyone else I too am afraid of being different or being too successful. Whatever has been hold me back I now know not to let it hold me back anymore. Don't be afraid of stepping outside of your comfort zone. Don't just be like everyone else. Be better than everyone else. Be passionate about what you do because once you are passionate you have the urge to go further, to get more knowledge, to get other people interested, to make a name out of yourself.

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